Digisaws in Performance Marketing

Digisaws is a full-service digital marketing agency specializing in the use of Performance Marketing to measure marketing campaign results. and formulating marketing strategies With successful results confirmed from working with 1,000+ brands of various businesses such as real estate, beauty clinics, education and many more.

In addition, Digisaws also has a team with knowledge and expertise in marketing in various fields such as Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, as well as a Creative & Production team that creates a variety of media to meet the needs of target groups. and get the best results as well.

One Stop Service Ecosystem: Complete Digital Marketing services in one place.

Phone Number List

Digisaws services cover all stages of marketing. From marketing planning (Digital Marketing Strategy) on all platforms, consulting (Training & Consultants) to creating content media according to the strategy laid down by a quality Production & Event team can be called ‘ all in one place Don’t have to go anywhere else’

  • Digital Marketing Strategy : Marketing strategy planning by a team of experts.
  • Media Advertising : Making advertisements through various media such as Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Google, Youtube, LinkedIn, etc.
  • Website : Website creation and maintenance service, both SG Phone List Informative, E-commerce, Landing page.
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): We have a team of experts who understand SEO in order to make articles and websites rank higher on the Google search page.
  • Content & Graphic : The content and graphics team produces creative media to meet the brand’s needs as much as possible.
  • Production : The production team for the type of media. model and video shoots
  • Advertorial & Influencer
  • PR & Event
  • Consult & Training by Specialist team and CEO of Digisaws.


It can be said that Performance Marketing Solutions is the solution Iceland Phone Number List for digital marketing in this age where everything is really data-driven and talking with Digisaws, we have seen how the two co-founders understand the transformation of marketing and how to cope with everything. efficient change With a team that has expertise and experience in Performance Marketing

Anyone who is  in elevating their business with Performance Marketing and a team of experts. We recommend Digisaws.

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