Looking at the future

Afghanistan Phone Number ListIncluding all the questions that salarymen want to know. Answered through the lens of the man who rebranded Srichand and created Mission To The Moon, a media that stands up for workers. In addition to the full seminar session from leading speakers in Thailand, whether you are Tab Rawit Hanutsaha. Khun Leng Siriwat Wongjarukorn, Finger Klom, Khun Sarawut Hengsawat and many other leading executives in Thailand. source of concept Share experiences from people who have worked before. to the day of success resulting in full knowledge. It’s not just a full session. But the activity booths at the event are equally interesting. Whether it’s a booth of duck people from Liberator that lets duck people cheer each other up or a Blind Date with Books booth from Mission To The Moon where book lovers can exchange their favorite books.

Mission To The Moon brands.

So we didn’t miss the opportunity to talk about the working world that Khun Rawit Hanutsaha or Phi Tab sees through the lens of executives. by questions gathered today These are all questions that the salary man wonders and sticks in his mind. We will try to let the executives answer each other!

I would like to introduce myself.

Hello, I’m Rawit Hanutsaha, CEO of Srichand and Mission To Afghanistan Phone Number List The Moon Media.

Let me start with the words Work – Life Balance and Workflow. What is your opinion on these two words?

Actually, this is about the time of work. especially SG Phone List employees who work against time like the media The time will not be exactly like that, divided into proportions. So it depends on how we help them allocate their time. by giving a deadline Let the meeting date follow up on work or deadlines, taking into account the time he has to use. Doing this will help him allocate time to work by himself within the time limit we set. How to balance depends on each person.

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