One of the main problems with this “strategy” is that I called the company asking: “Do you need the new site?” (obviously I simplify). The answer, in 95% of cases was either “NO” or “Not now, call me back later”.
In reality, both of them could potentially
be my clients, but that wasn’t the right time, and the effort of calling back those who sent me back to “later” was huge, in addition to the fact that in the meantime, between one call and another, months often passed and these people forgot about me and my company (and how could it have been otherwise?).
Difficulty staying in touch with acquired customers
Similarly, another typical problem is staying in touch with customers when you sell a product or service that has a long repurchase cycle. I was talking a few days ago with a client who works in trade show setups: in their case, most of their customers (both existing and potential) attend one trade show a year, and so the problem arises that they hear from them once and then for the remaining 11 months of the year, finding a way to stay i
Do you want to promote yourself online WITHOUT wasting money?
Trust me with your WEB Marketing!
What will I talk to you about in this article?
Who is Brian Kurtz and why was I so interested in reading his book?
The Enormous Importance of the 41/39/20 Formula and How to Adapt It to Your Web Marketing Campaigns (and More)
1) The importance of the list and how you build it [41% important]
2) You Must Have an Irresistible Offer, WHATEVER JOB YOU DO [39% Important]
3) The right Message: 20% important
Overdeliver Book Review
I have been studying non-stop for a few Binance Database years now. I always have a book at hand. My work is first and foremost a passion of mine and the only thing I am sure of is that there are still tons of information and notions that I do not know and that I will want to learn.
Never getting to the end.
The book I’m reading right now is Conquering Two-Digit Division:a breeze, building Overdeliver by Brian Kurtz (you can find it on Amazon in English, and at this link in Italian translated by Marco Lutzu, the most important Italian copywriter I know and founder of a direct response marketing agency)
I haven’t finished reading it yet, I’m missing the last 40 pages or so, but I’ve already appreciated a VERY IMPORTANT concept reported in the book: the 41/39/20 formula. In this article on my blog I’ll introduce it to you, also trying to make you understand the deeper concepts to allow you to adapt them to your digital marketing campaigns (and more generally to your business).