Here are the 7 MISSING Levers that Make This Testimonial 87% INEFFECTIVE
March 29, 2021
How to Collect Effective Testimonials
Do you want to promote yourself online WITHOUT wasting money?
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What will I talk to you about in this article?
1) The testimonial’s face is missing
2. Missing references of the testimonial
3. The initial problem and the final benefit are missing
4) It’s written in small print: are you sure the user can read it?
5) The stars are missing
6) The copy is wrong
7) Missing CTA: What action should the user take?
Moral of the story
6 answers
How to Collect Effective Testimonials
A few days ago I posted the image below in the private Facebook group (this one ):
Facebook Ads Wrong
It represents a sponsored one that passed me by on Facebook and that presents a testimonial of a satisfied customer of a dental center. I asked the members of the group: “ Why is this testimonial so ineffective? What is it missing?”
Many people have responded to me, with several intelligent answers. In this post I will tell you mine, listing the 6 reasons that make this testimony INEFFECTIVE at 87%
Here they are:
1) The testimonial’s face is missing
The testimonial MISSES the face of the BTC Number Data testimonial. And this is a problem for two reasons. The first is that it does not allow the user to recognize themselves in the target: seeing people similar to us (our age, body type, social group, etc.) attracts our attention towards the advertising message. If someone very similar to us liked the service/product, we more easily think that we might like it too. The second reason is that a human face, perhaps looking towards the user, attracts much more attention than text alone. And in a social network like Facebook, doing everything to attract attention first and more than other content becomes more IMPORTANT every day.
LSO include the link to the testimonial left on Facebook in the sponsored post (if they left it on Facebook). This way the user can request friendship and ask for information directly to your testimonial,
Enter the name, surname and company the testimonial belongs to (in the case of a B2B market), perhaps even tagging him (if we are on Facebook)
3. The initial problem and the final benefit are missing
The third reason why this testimonial “Already Submitted”: What to Do When is completely USELESS is the generic nature of the text. “…I am very satisfied because I found a highly professional environment, very careful about hygiene and with specialized staff who are at the same time friendly and helpful.”
Someone come and blind my eyes
With a burning ember. And what does this text mean? NOTHING. It could be used for 80% of Italian companies: USELESS PRO level. In a testimonial you MUST have your testimonial say WHY he is satisfied, and more specifically i n a case like this he should say: