Why do businesses nowadays

In a data-driven world, businesses that want to grow and stay sustainable in the digital age need massive amounts of data from their marketing campaigns. Mating is an ingenious strategy. to communicate with customers Will measurable marketing that grows a business in the age of data really work? How to start? Today, Digisaws has the answer.

Performance Marketing Solutions  

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is therefore an important solution for businesses in this era. Which, of course, is much more accurate than a directionless marketing plan.

Talk to the Co- Founder from Digisaws.

Today, Content Shifu had a chance to chat with two Co-founders from Digisaws, Naruemon Choksuriyasakul. and Khun Thanchanok Unhachat, who has experience in digital marketing in many business circles, whether in the entertainment industry, food and on-demand media. online marketplace for both China Phone Number List government and private sectors as well

Let’s talk about the idea that Why businesses should turn to Performance Marketing more and how to start? Including working experience that made Digisaws become the leading agency in Performance Marketing as it is today.

Why should businesses nowadays focus on Performance Marketing?

Because in this era, everything is driven by data. The SG Phone List more information we have, the more we know and understand our business and our customers. Businesses that use measurement data to develop strategies that are on point. Will see clearer results than the pattern-based strategy that drifts without data and doing Performance Marketing is to use the information we have to analyze the results and build on. When we measure the result once It’s brought to the top next time and next time and so on. Make our business stand still. growing up all the time.

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