Chinese Overseas Africa Number Data List Does Google Ads Hurt SEO? Or Help? Here’s the Ultimate Guide.
March 23, 2021
Google Ads and SEO
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What will I talk to you about in this article?
Do Google Ads and SEO have any influence on each other?
Google Ads and SEO: When They “Help” Each Other and When They “Hinder” Each Other
“Gianpaolo I wanted to ask you if in your work you have ever found that if you use Google Ads (you are labeled as a payer) and you can no longer grow with SEO . Have you ever had this feeling?
This is the question Renato received in a comment on Facebook.
In this article I will try to definitively answer Chinese Overseas Africa Number Data the doubts that still grip many people about the alleged correlation between Google Ads and SEO .
Google Ads and SEO: Enemies or Friends? A Complete Guide to the Interaction Between the Two Web Traffic Channels
Does doing Google Ads harm SEO because (as Renato says) Google understands that you pay and therefore does not let you “rise” in organic? Or does doing Google Ads, on the contrary, help SEO ?
Before answering, a quick simplified summary:
Google Ads : Google’s advertising program that allows companies to advertise for a fee (for example with sponsored text ads that you find on Google when you do a search),
SEO optimization (acronym for Search Engine Optimization): activity carried out by an agency or consultant with the aim of optimizing the website in its internal and external structure in order to increase its positioning for certain keywords on Google’s organic (i.e. “free”) results.
Do Google Ads and SEO have any influence on each other ?
Short answer: there is no direct correlation Decoding ABA: Understanding Applied between Google Ads activities and the SEO of a site .
If you have the site positioned and you do Google, neither one nor the other activity gets a DIRECT benefit or disadvantage. Running Google Ads campaigns does not help your SEO rankings”.