The Headline, or “ Page Title ”, is from all points of view the most important part of text on a web page . In fact, it is the most “visible”, both for users who visit your page and for search engines.
The headline must contain a CLEAR description of the page content , and must also include the most important keyword you want to target.
It is also good practice to add a subtitle , which “reinforces” the title in explaining the topic being discussto the user.
In the product sheets, DO NOT use coded
Product names, without adding the generic description (e.g. if you sell band saws for woodworking, and one of your models is call SN 400, do not call the product “SN 400” but “SN 400 Band Saw”
What to do:
As much as you can, try to describe not only the content
Of the page, but also the differentiating value of your service . For example, the page relating to the website creation service of my web agency could have been titled “Website creation”, but instead we used this title and subtitle: “The site that works! – We create websites that generate value”
2 – Navigation
optimize websites
Navigability is one of the most important factors in website optimization.
You need to create a website that allows users to reach every section of the website in as few clicks as possible , from wherever they are.
So pay close attention to the logical Crypto Fund Database structure of the menu and the navigation tree , check that the menu is always visible from every page of your site and, in the case of a large site or very extensive product catalogues, consider the opportunity to implement a Mega Menu type menu within your site, like the one shown in the image or that you can try at this link .
3 – Copywriting (the text on the page)
If you have been following me for a while, you know that this is a topic that is very dear to me, and I repeat a concept that has already been said other times, but on which I will continue to insist.
We write little or nothing on the site because people don’t read it.
It’s a phrase I’ve heard repeated dozens of times in my working career by entrepreneurs with whom I find myself talking about the texts on their websites, and let me emphasize it once again: “PEOPLE DON’T READ” IT’S A BIG LIE!
People don’t read the usual, boring, texts on websites which explain that “the company Cantacessi & Figli snc [cit.] has been a leader since 1985 in the production of silicone pinkie rings [cit.] etc. etc.
Instead, try to describe , before your product or service, the benefit it brings to your customer, the problem it solves or the main features that differentiate it from the competition.
Try to be persuasive, you’ll see that by doing so people will read…
4 – Readability of the site
optimize site
This is an aspect that is rarely discussed Time Traveling to Fog City: and often overlooked, wrongly. I am talking about the readability of the site .
How many times have you found yourself in front of a site with fonts that are too small? Or a color that doesn’t contrast well with the background of the page? Or maybe a badly laid out page with no paragraph division?
I don’t know how much you’ve ever noticed this, but this is also a very important factor for site optimization .