“Do It Comfortably” (Your Wife): or how NOT to use Facebook to promote your hotel (unless a ton of INSULTS is what you’re looking for)
January 20, 2020
Do you want to promote yourself online WITHOUT wasting money?
Trust me with your WEB Marketing!
What will I talk to you about in this article?
Saturday morning.
I’m scrolling through Facebook and I see a shared post about a hotel on my wall.
I look at it. I can’t believe my eyes ?
The post in question is this:
For those who don’t get it, the message is clearly directed to “husbands” emphasizing the new presence of double showers that will allow them to “comfortably do” their wives…
I couldn’t believe it???
So much so that it seemed like a joke.
However, in this article it is not my intention to mock the hotelier who, as he told the newspapers, made a “patacata”, but rather to explain what is wrong, why and how that communication could have been.
In short, saying “you screwed up!” is too easy: I want to try to help you who are reading me, to avoid making similar mistakes and maybe give you some useful ideas.
Here’s how…
“For better or for worse
as long as people talk about it” is a VERY RISKY and wrong concept in this case
There is a legend in the advertising world according to which (for some and not a few) it does not matter whether a message is talked about for better or for worse: the important thing is that it is talked about in order to consider it a success.
That is, according to this concept, even if a company/product/character is talked about BADLY, it doesn’t matter and in fact it should still be considered a success because, precisely, people are talking about it.
As I believe this user who commented on one of my posts on Linkedin about this case wanted to understand:
You know what? That this assumption is TRUE in some cases: getting people to talk badly about you sometimes brings ADVANTAGE.
You didn’t expect that, did you?
But that’s exactly how it is.
I’ll explain when and why.
The Motta ad that mocks Vegans
I remember well the Motta panettone commercial from some time ago (watch the video below, it lasts 30 seconds):
Panettone Motta – Always the same.
…the ad subtly but clearly mocked vegans, who didn’t hesitate to get angry on social media.
As the articles linked below remind us:
The Daily Fact ,
the Messenger ,
Etc etc
Why then was that advert effective in Gambling Data Mexico the case of Motta even though it sparked the ire of some users, while this time for the “Fattela Comodamente” hotel it wasn’t the same?
Simple: vegans are NOT a target of Motta.
The wives (and mothers) of the hotel are.
This is the colossal communication error.
Vegans will NEVER eat a traditional Motta panettone, because it is NOT vegan.
Mocking vegans, provoking their anger, has done nothing but:
– allowing the commercial to go viral, thus increasing its exposure enormously (since, as I showed you before, it also ended up in the newspapers)
– BUT ABOVE ALL, it pissed off vegans, but it entertained and gained the loyalty of the NO vegans, who are instead the target of Motta panettone, those who then buy it and eat it.
As demonstrated by the comments The Great San Francisco Earthquake: on the video on Youtube that I paste below:
Instead, as mentioned above, for the hotel, which even in the hashtags of the post declares itself Family Hotel, WIVES and mothers, those that husbands should “do comfortably”, are probably the MAIN target of a family hotel.