For more than 100 years, the world’s marketing has never been as chaotic and confusing as in today’s era: Inbound Marketing, Outbound Marketing, Content Marketing, Mobile Marketing or even Digital Marketing. Because who is going to remember!!!
Online marketers know that content plays an important role in driving a business. If our business wants to make “content” to help drive the business, which approach should I choose between Inbound Marketing or Content Marketing because they both use content to help attract businesses as well?
Can we do Inbound Marketing without Content Marketing?
The traditional marketing concept is to use methods to promote the market (Promotion) such as advertising, public relations. Promotion or salesperson Communicate to get attention Engage prospects to make a decision, try it out, buy the product or use the service.
Today… B2B marketers are beginning to realize that Most Manufacturing Email List people turn to online media in part because they don’t want to be forced to view advertising content. This is in line with a survey from ETDA that said that more than 75% of consumers feel annoyed or threatened by online advertising media.
What is Inbound Marketing?
Inbound Marketing is a business method that engages customers by creating valuable content and experiences tailored to them. While outbound marketing uses a method SG Phone List to interrupt, interrupt or intervene while your audience is browsing with content that may not meet their needs, inbound marketing bridges through the problem . where consumers are searching for and trying to help solve the problems they are experiencing.