Does Taffo advertising work or not?
August 20, 2020
Taffo Advertising
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What will I talk to you about in this article?
Job Seekers Number Data List Punctual as “A Place for Two” at Christmas comes the new discussion on the latest post by Taffo, the now famous funeral agency in Rome (and its surroundings), which this time has taken aim at the latest decree regarding the new closure of nightclubs.
Below I put the screenshot of the post in question, which reads in the text of the image:
“Closed discos? No problem. You think about the music, we’ll bring the speakers”
As often happens, a feud has broken out between those who think:
Wow, they are brilliant!!11!
and who instead…
“Yes, at most it makes you laugh but it serves NO purpose.”
Problem: I read a lot of “in my opinion” and very little reasoning.
Use YOUR brain. Damn!
Job Seekers Number Data List Because among both the “brilliant!” and the “it’s not a hose who search for a specific product search for it LOCALLY: that is, they search for a physical Job Seekers Number Data store in their city where they can go and buy it. direct response and therefore it’s useless” I see prepackaged beliefs, dictated by “static” visions of marketing, seen as a tool that works ONLY in one way that is valid for everyone.
Well. It’s not like that.
There is nothing in marketing that can be valid always and in all cases. And I don’t feel like a genius saying this sentence, on the contrary.
The second thing that amazes and the prevailing certainties.
Well… I must be wrong, obviously, because with every case that comes my way, I am there continually asking myself questions.
Okay, let’s get back to the point of today’s post, which is this: does Taffo advertising work or not?
For those who don’t know
Job Seekers Number Data List Taffo, know that we are talking about Firecrackers and Freedom: Celebrating a Roman funeral home that for a few years has been doing irreverent Real Time Marketing, starting from news stories to make an ironic “cartoon” on the subject, exactly like the one reported at the bottom of this post.
If you visit and scroll through their Facebook page you can find dozens of them.
But can advertising like this be effective for a funeral home? Does this strategy “sell” more?