Loyalty Programs such as membership cards or loyalty Mobile Apps cards In practice, this is widely misunderstood and often misused. Many companies treat loyalty programs only as giveaways or as monthly promotional specials.
How to attract customers through rewards can create value just by Encourage new or existing customers to try the product or service. which if the business Mobile Apps does not have a long-term strategy by creating a loyalty program to support it Your business will only get a list of trial customers or build a smaller customer base than it should.
Loyalty programs are popular activities for many businesses such as Mobile Apps
Airlines, restaurants, coffee shops, movie theaters, etc. We can see them in a variety of ways including signing up, accumulating points, redeeming rewards. But if you do, you won’t generate loyal customers for less than 30% of the program participants. That’s a dangerous signal and could cost your business a big loss. This is due to a number of factors:
7 mistakes to avoid
Loyalty programs that are incentivized by promotions are not attractive enough.
There are conditions that are too complex or difficult for general customers to reach.
Too frequent changes to the rules or conditions within the program.
Offers that are inconsistent with purchase patterns, such as earning points for purchases of goods or services that have a spending interval of 3, 6, 12 months, such as dental clinics, furniture stores. Because it takes customers several months to accumulate all the points according to the offer.
Offer the rewards you offer that don’t match what your customers want.
Give your rewards to everyone the same. Both old and new customers
Your products are expensive, such as clothes, bags, accessories.
To keep growing your business is not about trying to acquire new customers. but to build a regular customer base This is useful not only in helping sales Railroad Transportation Email List to be consistent from the frequency of purchases of goods and services. Accumulate increased purchase value over their lifetime. And businesses can also benefit from word of mouth marketing or Viral Marketing as well.
Building a Loyalty Customer Base With a Loyalty Program Businesses should learn how to share value with their customers based on the value they can bring to your business. Keep learning about the loyalty rewards and incentives used to attract your customers.
A successful Loyalty Program will drive your business to grow sustainably
And the success of the program cannot be measured immediately. It is necessary to plan the work systematically covering all 3 phases of work: short, medium and long.
The success of the Loyalty Program by accumulating points Or rewards only happen when customers turn their habits into loyal or loyal customers. The change will only happen if the company can clearly communicate the proposal to customers. What benefits will they gain in the long run if they stay loyal to your brand?
The following methods will help you make your loyalty program more effective.
6 Ways to Increase Engagement with Your Loyalty Program
Make full use of your existing customer data. Don’t act like your customer hasn’t given the information before. You should make use of the information you SG Phone List already have. Make offers as relevant as possible to your customers. Similar offers should not be sent. together with everyone
It has a signup process and makes it easy. Even though the sign-up process makes fewer customers join. But that’s a worthwhile investment…because in truth. If the offer you offer is free or too easy, it reflects that your offer is not valuable. And this also gives your customers the opportunity to be willing to join the program or show their loyalty.
Communicate useful content only. It’s a disadvantage to contact your customers too easily. Don’t be surprised by the low email open rate. Surprisingly, when sending an SMS, there is no response from the customer. or posting on social media and no one joins in or shares the content. Businesses should therefore stop communicating that is not relevant to your customers. because on the other hand You have countless opportunities to communicate in matters related to them.
Loyalty Program Design to Add Value Encourage action with your business. You shouldn’t design a loyalty program just because your competitors do it. or have trade agreements with other businesses Because that’s not good for your business. You should design your loyalty program to deliver the best value of your business to your customers. Make it easy to understand and accessible to your customers.