Make full use of your existing customer data. Don’t Program unsuccessful act like your customer hasn’t given the information before. You should make use of the information you already have. Make offers as relevant as possible to your customers. Similar offers should not be sent. together with everyone
It has a signup process and makes it easy Program unsuccessful
Even though the sign-up process makes fewer customers join. But that’s a worthwhile investment…because in truth. If the offer you offer is free or too easy, it reflects that your offer is not valuable. And this also gives your customers the opportunity to be willing to join the program or show their loyalty.
Communicate useful content only. It’s a disadvantage to contact your customers too easily. Don’t be surprised by the low email open rate. Surprisingly, when sending an SMS, there is no response from the customer. or posting on social media and no one joins in or shares the content. Businesses should therefore stop communicating that is not relevant to your customers. because on the other hand You have countless opportunities to communicate in matters related to them.
Loyalty Program Design to Add Value Encourage action Air Transportation Email List with your business. You shouldn’t design a loyalty program just because your competitors do it. or have trade agreements with other businesses Because that’s not good for your business. You should design your loyalty program to deliver the best value of your business to your customers. Make it easy to understand and accessible to your customers.
Don’t create a loyalty program to make a profit.
You’ve probably found Some businesses require reward points to expire. The value of accumulated points or credits will be retained if not redeemed in accordance with the conditions set forth. It should mainly be done through the customer’s point of view. It’s not just looking at the loss or profit of the business. because of your customers today They can see if you are sincere or not.
Reward only the loyal ones. Loyalty programs in the form of cashback, points exchange, or the opportunity for customers to use points to spend on other SG Phone List brands or competitors, even if they look attractive and liked by customers. But that’s not good for business.
For example, 1 Your business joins the program with “Points app” can use the points earned from shopping at Store A to be exchanged for money to be used for shopping at Store B. Most disloyal customers can benefit from this program, or, for example, 2 customers who bring points . Earn from your business Use with restaurants, coffee shops to redeem discounts.