Spam Number Data List One more “toxic” customer is MUCH worse than one less customer
May 28, 2020
Toxic Customer
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Toxic Customer
A few days ago something happened that I hope NEVER happens.
I decided to terminate the contract with a customer, refunding him what he paid.
The collaborative relationship had just begun.
We were really at the beginning.
But I clearly understood that it was time to stop and not continue.
I won’t add any more details. And of course I wouldn’t…
I hate to see bad things written about customers: it’s the customers who feed us. Who give us work.
When there is a problem the only intelligent thing to do is to understand what WE did wrong, to avoid it happening again.
However, the episode gives me the opportunity to write about “toxic” clients.
Why NOT. Not all customers are good customers.
Not at all.
I know this may be a difficult concept to grasp and may seem counterintuitive, but I encourage you to read on: Too often, companies’ problems stem from toxic customers.
Who is the toxic customer?
Here are some examples:
The customer who asks for huge discounts
If you have customers who ask for exaggerated discounts, which reduce the margin you have on your work to a minimum, it’s a big problem.
Because companies thrive and are healthy if they have margins.
If they can get a markup that allows them to earn money from their work.
It may seem like an obvious concept, but I assure you that in the real world this problem is very widespread.
And we find ourselves faced with companies that are always “running low” in terms of cash.
Those situations in which Spam Number Data the entrepreneur typically works his ass off but in the end he’s left with crumbs in his pocket (if at least he’s left with those)
The customer who asks for non-standard work
Maybe you have well-defined work procedures, and everything runs pretty smoothly.
Then you get a client who asks you for a non-standard job, which you are not used to doing in the company, and you decide to take it on anyway.
Situations like this risk being a bloodbath, because:
The risk of working much more than estimated is enormous (being out of standard you cannot estimate all the possible unforeseen events well),
Because of this work, all Chinese in Europe List product iongets jammed: the unforeseen events that arise suck resources from other activities and therefore not only does it take you longer to do this work
In the end you worked double/triple as much as expected, maybe you even lost money, and on top of that you have pissed off customers (the one for the non-standard work that you were unable to satisfy and the other “standard” ones on which you were late because of the first one).