Why is RelationSHOP

We questioned ‘Why do people come back to buy at the same store?’ ‘ Why do people label drugs that they like? of friends together involved Because people like to spread good things to each other, so this year we focus on RelationSHOP, tying the joy of shopping and building good relationships together.

Which group of people 

Phone Number List

In the seller’s corner, we have shops of every category, but in the Macedonia Phone Number List part of buyers, most of them are office workers. and groups with diverse purchasing power 

which the behavior of buyers has Why is RelationSHOP changed from the original We had a huge increase in sales from last year. With affiliate features that allow people to tell each other good things in this era, Power of word and reviews are very important.

How does LINE SHOPPING Why is RelationSHOP

This is something that we attach great importance to. We will SG Phone List have an inhouse training that trains new merchants. There are both online and offline, and we also have a Key account that takes care of each store. You can always consult. 

How do you draw

The picture of the direction that LINE SHOPPING is going to be is clear. In which I would like to summarize as follows 

1. Liberty to win

The direction of our business has never changed, that is, we want to be a tool that allows everyone to trade on their own. And we don’t want to be a commission collecting platform. Because we don’t want to monopolize the market. And can be a platform that empowers everyone to compete in a free space.

2.Always Support 

In this era, shops must be skilled in using technology. LINE SHOPPING has Training that will help support the knowledge that is already lacking. 

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