Serverless is one of the services of Cloud Computing that allows software developers to use their own coding without having to take care of the server or infrastructure at Case Studies Proving all, and also covers monitoring and security.
By solving Case Studies Proving
- Burst request : The sudden huge number of simultaneous users, from 10 to 100,000 users per hour, if using Serverless, can handle without having to redesign the system.
- Security : Safe in terms of SSL (https), Encryption (encryption) and Virus because the Cloud Provider is responsible for taking care of it.
- Monitor : Basic features can be enabled to preserve and Armenia Email List retrieve stored data at any time. no further development needed.
Image Resizer for Websites
VulturePrime has set up a challenging time and budget challenge. Thus was born the Image XYZ tool – an image resizing tool for the web. Completed in 1 week, saving budget and using resources in a responsive way.
The problem of creating ImageXYZ is
- cost savings control the budget
- Easy to administer.
To meet the needs, VulturePrime has chosen to use the Cloud’s SG Phone List Serverless service as the main structure for data storage and processing. In which we would like to highlight the main tools that are important.
VulturePrime uses almost all of the services from.
AWS (Amazon Cloud), making it fast, easy and economical to build and has a reference website to help structure. The software architecture to make it faster to build.