Introducing DOM: Social Listening Tools

DOM (Data Opinion Mining) is a social listening tool that can collect and analyze sentiment data from social media such as sentiment analysis, trends analysis, network and audience analysis. Influence (Influencer Analysis) and others are displayed through Interactive Dashboard that supports a variety of display formats. Easily retrieve both overview and in-depth information.

Chatbot Platform Trend

Phone Number List

In a fast-moving world Consumer behavior has also changed and demands Denmark Phone Number List more speed. Moreover, businesses must respond to consumers in a timely manner. When a customer needs answers or has a problem, the brand’s inability to meet their needs will cause the customer to slip away.

The use of Chatbot Platform in businesses that require chat conversations is an important part of delivering a good experience to customers. Because they can answer 24/7 and in a chatbot that is accurate and talks naturally will impress customers. And make the business save on customer service costs quite high.

If your business wants to provide a seamless customer experience. And can maintain him for a long time Chatbot Platform is one of the tools that businesses should consider using.

Chatbot Platform Development Trends in InsightEra Perspectives

  • comprehension of Thai language must SG Phone List be further  Because Thai is the local language many tools Things that come from foreign countries may not work in Thai. InsightEra is the first priority to develop the Chatbot’s understanding of the Thai language so that Chatbots can be.
  • Connecting to various systems To increase the potential of Chatbots such as automation systems for customer service or internal work operations because Chatbots are not only Q&A but can do some activities for us as well.
  • Connecting ChatGPT will enhance the knowledge side of the Chatbot, making it possible to answer questions more broadly, precisely, intelligently, and talk more naturally.
  • Development can make it easier for users to create chatbots without having to use technical hassles. User-Friendly Anyone can create a Chatbot by themselves.

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