Top 5 Tools Check your own website rank

Checking website rankings on Google, also known as SEO rank check is to check that When people search for information with Google, how does our website appear?

When we do SEO for a while, checking the web rank itself is indispensable because it helps us to know What are the results after doing? To improve the deficiencies and develop further.

This article will introduce 5 best website rank check tools on Google that will allow you to quickly and easily find out the rank of your website.

Website rank checker format own website rank

Website rank checker tools on google are divided into 2 main groups as follows.

  • Free | The highlight is that it does not cost money, provides accurate information.
  • There is a cost |  The highlight is that it has a good display program and is easy to use, so it is suitable for medium to large websites. who want to check website rank at the same time for many keywords

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Google Rank Checker Tools [Recommended]

1. Incognito Mode[Free]

Incognito Mode is a Google Chrome tool that helps you check your website’s ranking accurately. Because the results of searching with Incognito Mode are the same as those shown to the public. Therefore, we can know how many people see our website ranking.

How to check rank with Incognito Mode

  1. Open Google Chrome >> Go to the menu symbol (three dots on the top right) >> Press New Incognito window

When in Incognito Mode (there is an Incognito symbol in the right corner), Kenya WhatsApp Number List go to Google >> Search, then check the ranking.

Google Search Console[Free]

Google Search Console is an essential SEO tool with the following benefits:

  • Provide information on our website’s ranking on Google.
  • Shows the number of people who visit the website organically.
  • show information that Which web page has the amount of organic traffic? (Top Page)
  • and much more

How to Check Ranking with Google Search Console

After logging into the Google Search Console page,  we can check the SG Phone List website’s ranking as follows.

    1. Click on the “Search Result” tab.
    2. Select “Page” to enter the URL of the page we want to view.
    3. Enter the URL of the page.
    4. Click to view “Average position”
    5. See the results on the graph and column below.

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