Received a lot of praise

I think it should, just like communication. The way customers get to know the brand as a human being with a habit of talking, interacting with It makes me feel friendly with that brand. It’s like meeting a new friend that we want to be with for a long time. It’s like talking to each other. In fact, there are many CEOs who do the same thing.

Farewell before parting

Phone Number List

Received a lot of praise why the CEO of a big brand like Srichand went Argentina Phone Number List down to give away gifts by himself. But this shows that Thai people are still stuck with the CEO image that is difficult to approach. Do you think that, in this era, the CEO should take care of the customers himself?

It was a fun interview and full of ideas for working. No wonder why Mission to the moon is another media for every salaryman because of Khun Rawit Hanutsaha’s open-minded SG Phone List attitude and determination to inspire many people .

I hope this interview will help answer any doubts and be an inspiration for everyone.

Follow the self-improvement content for workers at Mission To The Moon and find out in the next interview.

Kusalin Lohapiratana

Namkhing l Content Creator of Content Shifu who is fascinated with digital marketing, business trends and people’s lifestyles. likes to travel alone I especially love writing and discussing to exchange ideas.

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