Let’s move on to the market

I don’t think it’s the Red Ocean. Being the Red Ocean is like growing up in a limited space, but the Social Commerce market, or what we call it, is an online trading market. There are more competitors, but the market size is growing and the strengths of each platform Let’s move are not the same.

Like LINE SHOPPING, it has a strong point in nurturing and building long-term relationships with customers. This is different from ad or Let’s move  commission based platforms. I think it’s good to have more options for consumers. 

What are the ‘risks’  Let’s move 

Phone Number List

Now we can see that social media Emphasize on recommendation Kenya Phone Number List content from brands that do not follow more. and focus less on content that communicates with Followers

Which has both advantages and disadvantages. Because in the corner of creators and brands It is difficult to maintain or interact with Followers when we lack space to display our content. It can be seen as a risk that brands and creators must be careful and adapt to because customers will see more options. This makes promotions at Fundamental easy to understand and more attractive.

Will LINE SHOPPING adjust the display

No, because LINE SHOPPING has the strength of being a SG Phone List platform that It helps brands to create long-term interactions and communicate with customers, which is a LINE business model that emphasizes the relationship between sellers and buyers.

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