Use ChatGPT to help plan ads to sell courses

I try to use the Prompt that has Thai language and English and has the word Facebook Ads repeat 2 times, the first time being the name of the advertising platform. and the second is the content of the course To test whether ChatGPT is confusing or not, but ChatGPT still understands Thai language well. and answered directly to the question

You can also use Prompt to argue

Phone Number List

ChatGPT further if you think a suggestion is not right for you right now. for Cayman Islands Phone Number List more detail instructions Alternatively, ChatGPT can draw up a detailed campaign structure for further planning.

Us to help create Facebook Ads.

Making Facebook Ads requires both science and art to create perfect ads. effectively suitable for business Including products or services that are us to make advertisements as well, with ChatGPT being able to help use creativity on your behalf. Which I believe that marketers who are not good at creative will definitely smile.

The example below is using ChatGPT to help create Facebook Ads ads, mainly focusing on selecting target groups and creating content for ads.

Use ChatGPT to help figure out Interests in determining Core Audiences.

From the above example, you can see that SG Phone List ChatGPT recommends interests that you can think of without asking anyone, such as people interest in online marketing. Or people who are intereste in social media marketing, so I try to use Prompt to narrow down the answer.

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