Listening to this, I feel relieved

The most disruptive thing in this era is AI and the next marketing trend is that we must use AI to its full potential to develop businesses. is to live together Don’t think that the arrival of this technology will steal our jobs. It’s there to help us.

Another important issue is Data. Companies that use Data to help analyze, plan, evaluate and measure business results will survive. And in the future, Data will inevitably play a greater role. It is recommended that businesses should turn to use Data to further analyze marketing plans.

I agree Before parting, P’Leng

Oh, I can’t talk all day hahahaha No one has made a single mistake. Hundreds South Korea Phone Number List of mistakes maybe once It’s not that one mistake will end with it. Make a mistake once, fix it, next time it will be wrong again, so the learning you get is making mistakes and making mistakes again. to keep growing up Up to this point

Farewell before parting

even for a short time But it’s a very good  SG Phone List opportunity. to talk to Khun Leng Siriwat Wongjarukorn, one of the successful executives With a sharp idea from rubbing back with experience Through every economic crisis

I believe that the idea includes Khun Leng’s point of view. It will help the new generation to precipitate many ideas to apply to their future work paths.

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