Determine the image problem

When we use PSI to check a web page, we know which images ne to image problem be optimiz. What is the problem with pictures?

There are 4 types of image problems as follows:

  • Serve images in next-gen formats
  • Properly Size
  • Defer Offscreen Images image image problem problem
  • Efficiently encode images

Next, let’s see details and solutions for each problem.

Basic problems with pictures with solution image problem

Problem 1 : Serve images in next-gen formats

Serve images in next-gen formats is recommended to change Image Formats from Old Israel WhatsApp Number List Formats (JPEG, PNG) to New Formats (Webp, AVIF).

The New Image Formats that Google recommends to use on the website is Webp. The highlight is that the file size is smaller than JPEG (< 34%) and PNG (< 26%). Sharp image quality. Compatible with almost all major web browsers.

Related recommended articles :

What is WEBP, why is it important, and a list of websites to convert images to WEBP.

Changing Image Formats decreases the file size of Web pages. As a result, the display of content SG Phone List on the screen is faster. and save internet resources as well.


  1. Open PageSpeed ​​Insight Report > Opportunities.
  2. Click Serve images in next-gen format to get information that Which images need to be changed to New Formats?

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